Thursday, April 18, 2013

Goings on

Spring is finally coming to the Northwest. I am amazed by the colors on the trees and the flowers. I guess one benefit of all the rain are the bright and vibrant colors. Mother Nature has cut me some slack and provided several days of sunshine. I must say those days are just wonderful and the sun is something this southern girl misses. Along with the entry of spring is the opening of the Farmer's Market. This is something that I have been waiting for since it closed in December. I love that place.

Dave and I decided to grow some veggies of our own. We decided on herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, artichoke, cauliflower and various types of peppers. Our kitchen counter has turned into a mini greenhouse. Today I realized that we have sprouts so far so good. After Roxie and Gunner tried their paw at garden I decided to put up a fence around the beds. They seem to think the veggie plants would be happier out of the ground.

Dave has been traveling a lot theses days. I was able to join him on one of his trips to Hawaii. I don't think I have even seen such a beautiful place. We stayed in Waikiki. It was so nice to sit on the beach feeling the sun on my face, sand in my toes and taking in all that is Hawaii. I got bit by the island bug for sure. How can anyone not love a place that starts the daily news with "it's aloha Friday!" I think in a past life I must have been an island princess...or so I like to think! We went to the North Shore, snorkeling at Turtle Bay, paddle boarding and lived out "Duke's on Sunday" Jimmy Buffet song. We also visited Pearl Harbor along with USS Arizona and USS Missouri. I was so taken with the Arizona. I was not aware there is fuel still leaking from the ship. It was so strong you could smell and see it. It was the most unbelievable experience.

I still managed to get to The Carolina Cup because after all it is a rite of spring! I got to hang with my peeps and of course cause a little mischief! ;)

I have rediscovered my love of painting. A little known fact about me is that I painted in high school and loved it. I don't think I was ever really good at it but loved it none the same. I went to one of those sip and paint places with my cousin Lisa last Friday. It was so fun. Although I may not paint like Van Gogh, I ended up with an original piece of artwork.

That's all for now! As they say in Hawaii...ALOHA!