Wednesday, February 25, 2015

26.2 Rockin' Miles

Marathon- check!!!! Ready for the next!!
Done and done 26.2 in the books!

I once read a quote on Pintrest that said “there will be days when I didn’t know if I could run a marathon, there will be a lifetime knowing that I have.”  This sums me up perfectly. I typically felt strong both mentally and physically throughout my training cycle. Sure there were days that my runs sucked but I always knew those would make my good days feel great so I forged ahead knowing that I could not judge my entire training by a few crappy runs. I sort of felt like a mailman…no rain, sleet, or dark of night could keep me from my appointed runs. Yeah the rain thing very fitting since I live in the PNW and most of my runs are in the rain after September.

As the marathon approached, I started to get very anxious. I had done all of the training runs possible (with exception of the 20 miler but I will talk about that later), nutrition was down to a science, and cross training was right on schedule...I was READY! I treated this training like a full time job.  

20 miles and on top of the world! 
The day finally came that I was to run my last long run (20 miles) before the taper started. I was so excited about that run but also a little annoyed because I kept saying “lets just get this marathon started already!” The 20 miler happened to be on a really cold, grey and foggy day here in the PNW. Again, I laced up my shoes and out we went for the final long run of this training cycle. I remember that day perfectly…just like clockwork mile 9 sucked. For some reason mile 9 is always my crap mile. No matter the distance, I have to mentally talk myself through that entire mile which seems never ending. Thankfully my music was really good “Proud Mary” and “Happy” were a couple of the songs that got me through the dreaded mile 9. The rest of the run went without issue. I did cry once I finished that 20 miles. It was a great feeling…well until Jan 25th happened. J

Star Wars 1/2 Marathon 
Dave and I ventured down to Disneyland to run the Star Wars ½ marathon the week prior to the marathon. I decided I was going to use that race as a training run and it was so fun! I kept my pace a little slower than normal as I didn’t want to risk getting injured. I also didn’t touch anything…NO MEASLES for me! Just like always Disney was magical. They really do everything over the top and races are no exceptions. I finished the race right on schedule knowing that was my last long mileage before my marathon.

Finally the time had come for Dave and I headed to NOLA. There were so many feelings that week. I was nervous, scared, excited and overwhelmed just to name a few. “What if my training is off”, “what if I get there and can’t finish”, “did I run enough”, or “what if get swept” were just some of the thoughts going through my mind during that plan ride to NOLA.

We finally arrived in NOLA on Friday morning. We met up with Amy, Chris, Carlyon and Phil C at the airport. Not only was this race weekend we were also celebrating Phil C’s birthday! We quickly made our way to the French Quarter for some yummy food and of course a cocktail. Friday would be my only night to have a little fun because Saturday night it was lights out early! Later that evening Aneesah, Carl (Carol Carols) and Cam arrived in NOLA. We met them at a restaurant where Cam surprised me with chick-fil-a nuggets. Well he brought me 11 since he ate one to punish me for never bring him home chicken nuggets from The Cup.

Saturday was a day of fun, rest and expo. We went to dinner early that night so the runners could get to bed. Just like that it was Sunday morning…MARATHON DAY! It was cold and windy in downtown NOLA. I was second guessing my choice of running attire that morning. Luckily, we had solar blankets from a previous race…yes we were the envy of all of the other racers. Note to self…ALWAYS save the solar blanket. As the race progressed the temps started to rise and the weather turned out perfect.

Smokes with my sign at the finish! Friday inspired one! 
The race started and I was full of butterflies! I had to really dial myself back because I wanted to go full out sprint. I had to keep telling myself that I was running 26.2 miles today not 3.1 miles. I quickly got into my running zone as I call it and focused on my music, breathing and pace.  Around mile 12ish which was just before the split of the ½ marathon finish and full marathon course I noticed a guy being placed on a gurney. I have to admit at that moment I was really second guessing myself. This guy looked really fit and like this was not his first marathon. I thought that I could just go in at the ½ marathon mark and all would be ok. All of a sudden I heard my name. I looked up to see Amy standing there saying “you got this smokes!” She had finished her race and was heading back to the hotel to change. Once I saw her I regained my focus and continued on. Just like that my head was back in the game. Later when I talked to Amy she said she could see the look on my face and knew that she needed to get my attention to refocus me. Thankfully it worked!

I just started to click off the miles. I never saw Dave on the race course but every so often Neechie and I would pass each other as the course folded around on itself. It was great to see her. She would give me little thumbs up and she tried to give me a high five but some dude stole it instead. I guess he needed it more than me. She later told me that on mile 20 when she saw me and I was looking strong she cried a little.

Runners and Bling 
I didn’t really cramp up at all during the race. I did feel a pop in my shoe and thought to myself “oh crap there goes a toenail!” That was around mile 24. I stopped for a minute to see if I needed to put a Band-Aid on it to get me the last few miles. Luckily my toenail was still intact! HA I readjusted and made a beeline to the finish line! I couldn’t believe it…I WAS ALMOST there!!!! Just a few short miles and I will have put the exclamation mark on my journey. I went full speed ahead just like a steam engine. As I could see the crowds ahead I wondered if I would be able to see my peeps through the crowd. Just when I thought I had missed them I heard my name! I looked over and there stood Dave, Amy, Chris, Carl (Carol Carols) and Cam. I ran past them for a second but of course I turned back to give everyone a high five. This got me a little shout out from the race announcer. “She has lost a few seconds off of her time but that is awesome she gave high fives to her people” is what she said (or something there about). As I crossed the finish there was Neechie standing there at the medal area. She of course was in tears for me. I have to say it was so great having such wonderful people there. I also got some signs. I have only had one other sign! That was awesome!
Cam made this sign.
I am not sure if he fully got the don't look back part but I did!

Creasmans blinged out!
Post race drink! 
We hung out at the after race party for a bit and then headed for some food! I was starving. Yes I proceeded to eat and drink my way through NOLA. What an amazing night celebrating on Bourbon Street and then the next day Neechie’s cousin got us on the set of NCIS- New Orleans. We met Scott Baluka!

I had the most wonderful experience and loved every second of that marathon. I felt strong, accomplished and ready to take over the world. HA

Celebration on Bourbon Street 
I took a couple of weeks off to recovery but now I am back to training. I am running a ½ marathon in March, Ragnar (200 mile 12 per relay race) in April and ½ marathon in May before my race season is over the summer and just running starts. There will be more marathons in my future! I have found one that I am considering.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words during this process. It was simply amazing.  

I did something that never in a million years would I think would be possible for me to accomplish! I had always said “I am not a runner” even after completing many ½ marathons. A friend told me “for the love of the sport please call yourself a runner!” So…


~ME- a runner
Official Race Photo