Monday, October 8, 2012

Are we there yet...leaving Montana that is?!?

Day 8

We are still somewhere in Montana.  That has to be the longest state in the country and there is nothing out there...not even a cell tower.  Every so often when we went through a "town" I would get notification that I had a message but by the time I reacted we were well out of range. I think that if anyone wants to punish me all they would need to do was put me in the middle of Montana.  So that morning I was more than happy to find out we were heading toward the final state on this journey.

Since I have lived in the "Dirty Myrtle" was aware of the homeless but I have never really seen hitcher hikers until we reached SD, WY, and of course Montana.  I fully believe that people hitch hiking in Montana are trying their hardest to get up out of there.  All of the hitch hikers had me asking many questions like "where are they going", "do their feet hurt", "how can they travel with so few bags" and "why are they hitch hiking in such a cold state".  Durning this entire cross country trip, Dave and I never saw one hitch hiker get picked up until somewhere in Idaho.  This car pulled over and picked up some dude on that side of the road that was heading west.  He looked like a scrappy little fellow with dreads, hat backwards, ripped pants, and baggy shirt.  I was surprised to see him actually get picked up.  This of course led to many other questions.   We went speeding past them and I wondered where they were going.  In the mean time we stopped to let Roxie and Gunner out to potty, got gas, food and went to this very strange bathroom.  So we basically wasted about 20 minutes.  As we made our way up the mountain the car that picked up the hitch hiker came speeding pass us. It must have been going 90 miles and the scary thing...there was only one person in the car.  So of course my over active imagination kicked into to full drive.  Here is what I think happened, the hitch hiker killed the driver, dumped the body and is heading north to Canada.  Of course all this all happened within 20 minutes.

We finally got to WA and stopped for the night in Spokane.  It was a very pet friendly and running/walking friendly city.  We arrived just in time to see the UGA game which made Dave very happy.  One thing I learned, the games on the East Coast come on very early in WA and that is GREAT.  This hotel room had more of a modern set up with oversized furniture so there was very little room for Dave's pacing that he does when UGA plays.  Roxie found herself in the middle of Dave's pacing path so for her safety I made her get up on the bed along with Gunner. We all had sort of an island effect as to stay out of Dave's way.  We didn't need any stepped on tails or ears.  I think Roxie thinks that when Dave walking around she is going to get something to eat.

After the game we went to a really cute place to eat that happily played the USC game.  I was getting very worried because the gamecocks were not playing very well.  I said something and the bartender looked a me and said "don't worry Spurrier is awesome and he has this."  It turns out that bartender was right and they won.  WOO HOOO!!!

In other news:

We passed the place where they train smoke jumpers.  Dave was excited because he has just tired Smoke Jumper beer.

There was a barber shop singing group that sung to every waitress that came bay their table.  Come to find out there as a convention in town for these singing groups.

Dave saw some antlers that were strapped to the top of a van driving down the interstate.

I have found out that my ADHD is going to get me killed in WA.  There are way to many things to stare at and too many bikes and skateboards running around.

Gunner is eating only with bacon gravy...who could blame him and Roxie now hates the car.

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