Friday, September 28, 2012

Meet Me in Saint Louis

Day 2-

The day started very early that morning since neither myself, Roxie or Gunner particularly like or understand the time change. I do not agree with falling backward, springing forward or anything else for that matter because I have always needed and wanted sleep. Enough about my sleeping patterns. (They will make another appearance later).

So Dave went to get the car and I had the pleasure of taking a very excited Roxie and Gunner outside for pre-departure potty break. Well this proved to be more of a shake down of the valet parking attendant. Roxie thought the girl needed to give her kisses so she proceeded to pin this girl against the key holder. Gunner thought he needed to get in the action to help Roxie get her kisses and wrapped his leash around her legs. So there we all stood in streets of Nashville tangled up and trapped. Lucky for the girl her co-worker showed up to free all of us in time for Dave to pull up the car. I an pretty sure The Creasmans are now on "the do not stay" list at all A Loft hotel.

We all loaded up and headed to Saint Louis. Some where in KY I saw an El Chico restaurant which by the way was the same one found in Cola, SC. It made me want chips and salsa but since it was only 9:30 am and it was closed I had to settle for Panera. Don't get me wrong I am not opposed to eating chips and salsa at 9:30 a.m.

Later down the road Dave and I saw a sign that read "Giant Superman Statue" so of course logic says we needed to hunt that sucker down. Well little known fact this statue is in Metropolis,IL. First- who knew there was such a city, second- why is this not on the national registry, third- they need a bigger sign and fourth- that place was AWESOME! I mean in the town square was a giant Superman, a phone booth that of course I pretended to be Super Girl (I am not a dude) and cut outs that you could pretend to be both Superman and Super Girl. You may be asking yourself...did we take a pics as those charters...Duh of course we did! Pictures to follow!

Later in IL we drove through a dirt devil and no not the vacuum cleaner. Of course not being from those parts I had to goggle this event. Dave told me what it was so I could google. Basically it is a wind tunnel thing that blows around a bunch of dust and dried corn.

We made it into Saint Louis which I have not been since I was younger. Our hotel was about three blocks from Arch. There was a lovely park next to the hotel. I took the pups over there to walk around and of course Gunner pooped and I had nothing to pick it up with so I thought to myself just leave it. Well of course I couldn't for many reasons but one of the most important was the fact there were people around. So I found a cup and decided I would pick up the poop with that. BIG MISTAKE! That cup was filled with pee...the people looking at me strange were homeless folks. Yep...that's right I picked up a cup filled with a homeless person's pee! I vomited a little in my mouth and run into the hotel to scrub down. I told Dave and he said "What did you do that for?"

After that experience we took the pups to walk around the park by the Arch. Gunner had a wonderful time. He was tracking all kinds of things. Roxie had a lot of being one of them. She mustered up a bark that came from deep in her paw pads. She thought she was big and scary...the horse was unimpressed. He kicked his hoof at her. She didn't know what to do. I guess thoughts of Roxie being a real herding dog is over. On the way back to the hotel Roxie was heading toward a midget. Ok I an SCARED of midgets. No reason as to why but I an. I just knew she was going to be all over the midget. Luckily for me she was too busy barking at other things to notice the midget. Crisis adverted!

Later Dave and I went to have lunch/dinner at TGIFridays and we saw a big foul...a guy leaving a 1/2 empty drink on the bar. That is just so wrong! After dinner Dave and I had drinks at a roof top bar over looking the Cards Baseball stadium. It was really cool!

Other happenings:
Roxie developed the poops
Gunner is on a hunger strike that may or may not be ended by bacon flavored gravy.

More updates to come. Sorry for the delay...time changes kill me!

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