Day 1
The car was loaded up the night before except for a "couple" of bags and by couple I mean more like four. Two for me, one for the pups and one for Dave. Yep that's right I was still cramming things into bags at the 11th hour.
So morning came, at least I thought it was morning because the clock said "am" however I have never gotten up that early. The time you ask...4:00 a.m. Dave had already gotten up, made coffee, showered and finished packing the car before I even stumbled out of the bed room. As I come walking down rubbing the sleep from my eyes I ran into Dave. He said "You look tired" and I think I mumbled something about Diet Dew and ran into the bathroom door. Note to self for the future...put on make up before Dave gets up and has coffee. :)
The time to leave the beach had arrived. Roxie and Gunner loaded into the kennels very easily. Well Gunner did...Roxie not so much as she had to be picked up and put in her kennel. I guess she thought it was too early as well. After a little sob-fest with mom and myself and Dave standing in the driveway telling us both it was going to ok it was time to head out. As we pulled out of the drive way I sobbed into a towel that was from the Carol Carols' house (Neechie we will return the towel in a few weeks).
The motion of a car has always put me to sleep. Mom my used to put a cranky baby Stephanie in the car and drive me around the neighborhood until I feel asleep. Fast forward to 2012 and I still fall asleep in the car. I am sure that Dave is very thankful for a snoring Stephanie instead of a crying one.
Somewhere on I-20 I woke up just as we were passing a horse trailer, not a little tiny one but a big semi one. Well I guess the "rich" horses have a very different life than the common horses. This trailer was bigger than some peoples houses. As we pass the trailer there I was face to face with some dude in the back of the trailer. NO not in the cab driving...actually standing in the trailer. We sort of gave a head nod to each other. All I could talk about for the next 30 minutes is that guy. I had questions like did he have a chair to sit on, does it smell in there, does he get to get out. My mind still wonders about that little guy.
We made it to the mountains of NC and let me tell you that is some fun riding. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. If anyone has ever traveled through those mountains have been though the tunnel. So Dave says that he used to play this game when he was little. What was the game you hold your breath while going through the tunnel and the person who does it wins. So I took a deep breath and into the tunnel we drove. Thanks to Dave driving fast because I might have passed out. I am sure that I was getting ready turn blue. As we exited the tunnel I said to Dave "I did it! I held my breath the whole time! What about you?" He responds "I didn't hold my breath...I was driving." So basically I sat there holding my breath for no reason...although I still won.
So somewhere in NC we realized that UT (Tennessee for the SEC illiterate) were playing at home. We stopped at this lovely little truck stop just outside of Knoxville and there was this woman walking a bulldog that looked strangely like her. Well to be nice to the dog he was way cuter then her and come to find out had a much better personality. I have a staring problem so I just could not turn away and good thing I didn't. Her husband/boyfriend/sucker was inside and she was standing outside trying to get into the car. Next thing I know the guy walked out and the woman to the top of her lungs yelled "A-hole" (since this is a PG rated blog I can't type the whole word but you get the idea) where the F have you been. His quite response was "Buying a power ball ticket, why?" I guess this was not the right answer as she went off like the atomic bomb! I guess she thought she was going to be late to the game that started a whole 10 hours from that very moment. I have not heard if he won the power ball...I sort of hope he did so he could take the dog and leave that "B" in Knoxville.
We passed Oak Ridge, TN. Dave said do you know what this is famous for. My answer was the Oak Ridge Boys and I may or may not hummed the tune to Elvira. He said...."UMMM no that would be where they made the atomic bomb." Again in our family Dave knows war/Army stuff and I am the pop culture go to person!
We finally checked into the hotel. Roxie and Gunner made their presence known. I mean after all they are very cute fur babies. Outside of our window were the AC and other vents. Roxie decided that she wanted to give them the shake down. She growled, ran to the door, growled, ran to the door...rinse and repeat. At 4 a.m. some drunk girls came home and Roxie was less than impressed. I told don't get too annoyed that is normally your anyone that has ever stayed in a hotel where I have been on a girls weekend....I AM SORRY!
We went to dinner at a little brewery down the street from the hotel. On they way out we could hear Gunner screaming from the room. Yep that is right we heard him all they way down the hall. We were only at the brewery for a bit however on the way out I saw some UGA fans so of course the obvious thing to do was to say "GOOOO DAWGS SIC EM" I was expecting a WOOF WOOF WOOF back but they sort of looked at me like I was on a daily pass from the crazy house.
We (well I was out cold by 8 a.m) Dave stayed up to watch the Dawgs victory.
Lessons learned:
Dogs in hotels suck. They bark and growl at all kinds of noises
Carl Jr. is Hardees in the west
There are more strip clubs than Crapper Barrels (more on that topic on day 2)
Stay tuned....
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